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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Phytochemical & HPTLC analysis of roots of Acacia arabica Willd.
Alambayan Jyoti, Vats Manisha, Sardana Satish, Chopra K Arun
Published: Feb. 28, 2014 | 271 132
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 133-139
The present work has been undertaken to establish the necessary pharmacognostic standards and phytochemical constituents for evaluation of roots of Acacia arabica Willd (family Fabaceae). Plant is studied for its morphology, microscopy, phytochemicals present in plant root and HPTLC was carried out for quantification of quercetin in root extract. Various morphological parameters of fresh as well as shade dried form of roots were studied. Microscopy showed the presence of medullary rays, pith, phloem fiber, cork cells, epidermis and xylem cells in root. Physico-chemical constants such as fluorescence analysis of root powder and extracts, ash values, loss on drying, extractive value, swelling index, percentage extractive values of extracts with different solvents, consistency and color of different extracts under ordinary and UV light were studied. Phytochemical screening of total ethanolic and aqueous extracts showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponin glycosides & reducing sugars. HPTLC was carried out for quantification of quercetin in ethanolic extract of the roots of A. arabica Willd. It was concluded that the Acacia Arabica Willd contains various phytochemicals; among these tannins and flavonoids are its main constituents.