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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-09
The Pharmacognostic Standardization, Phytochemistry and Phytopharmacological Potential of Citrus maxima- an Overview
Mehak Jain, PN Raju
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.9.1
Pages: 402-406
Citrus maxima plant is a medicinal plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. A
genus of Citrus (Linn) of Rutaceae an evergreen aromatic shrub and small trees occupies
an important place in the medicine and also in the fruit economy of India. Citrus maxima
are a native plant of Malayu Island and East of India. It is wide spread in China, Japan,
Philipines, Indonesia, USA and Thailand. It has been used as a source of medicine to
treat different disease and ailments including epilepsy, chorea and convulsive coughing
chronic dysentery, blood complaints ulcer, headache, cancer. Extensive research works
have been carried out on the chemical constituent, biological and pharmacological
activities of the Citrus maxima. The Pharmacognostic study shows that those leaves are
the compound type, 5-20 cm length, shape: lanceolate, apex: acute and having the entire
margin. Stomata present in the leaf are the anomocytic type of stomata. These
pharmacological activities mainly due to the presence of coumarin, flavanoids,
phytosterol, phenol, tannins, triterpenes and anthraquinones.